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Friday, February 11, 2011

Doctors Orders

So I followed up with my heart doctor yesterday. She had some good news and some bad. Lets go with the good news first:

Thumbs up on having another baby. We now just need the thumbs up from my OB and we will be trying one last time for a boy. I also have been given the thumbs up for excercising again but I will start off super 10min of regular walking everyday until I build up a tolerance for that then increase 5min each time.

Now. Bad news. While I am not considered obese. My BMI is .28. The ideal is .25. Doesn't seem bad right? Try 30-40lbs to lose to obtain the ideal. Lets combine this with an extremely high cholesterol level for my age. I need to drop it by about 100 points. REALLY?!?!?!?

So, in conclusion the household will be going through a new eating habit. No more junk..even though it is is not allowed anymore. The medeteranean diet was recommended, so I think I will buy the book so I have correct food options and recipes. But I am thinking that hummus? NO. lol.

I apologize for no pictures with this post. I really couldn't think of any that would suit it properly.

Bare with me during this time and you may see me vent through the process :)


  1. I find the free quite helpful with tons of support and easy ways to track things like goals, diet and exercise. No matter what your health issues, there is probably a group there for it. If you join, my name on there is hypnoteuse.
    I love your blog's background. I'll have to read more of it when I have time.
