After speaking with Dawn, Jamie's sister, I decided I needed to include a little more information. While I am actively working on pieces to sell and donate the proceeds, I felt it was important to take it a step further.
These boys and her loving husband are her support team. I cannot imagine how they are handling this. How do you prepare your kids and husband for a life without you? How do you say goodbye?
With the aggressiveness of this form of cancer, it will take a miracle for her to have another year with them. Her new medications have been proven to extend the life of its patients for 7 months.
In Jamie's words on a website "The medications seem to have all the worst side affects on me. But I will stay strong. I realize times are hard for everyone and money is tight, but I was the only one working and now I cannot. Kenny is going to school and taking care of the boys, but I fear the financial burden is taking a heavy toll on him. If anyone can help, please donate to "The Jamie Bowe Donation," at any U.S. Bank. Thank you in advance, and we wish all of you the best. Love, Jamie"
So, if you have an extra $5 that you were going to spend at McDonalds or buy that candy to snack on, please consider donating to a family in need. I know I am and hope that others would do the same for me. I would love to see them be able to afford to do something special with the boys before she gets too sick and give her husband a little financial relief.
I had to undergo heart surgery at age 29. Knowing that there was a chance I may not wake up after surgery had me in a panic. I kept thinking, "How will Paegen ever understand?" That was enough for me so I can't even imagine what Jamie and her family is going through. Make sure you give your kids an extra hug today, tonight, tomorrow and always. Be sure to tell your loved ones how much you love and appreciate them. Life is one second at a time and should never be taken for granted.
Thank you for reading this and hope that we can spread the word about the horrid nature of this Cancer and what it does to families.
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